Colonial Sphere Wiki

Welcome to the Colonial Sphere Wiki[]

An easily accessible centre for information regarding the Colonial Sphere RPG setting.

What is the Colonial Sphere?[]

The Colonial Sphere is a term referring to humanity's holdings amongst the stars. The term was coined during the early days of interstellar colonization, when Earth was at the centre of a bustling empire. While Earth is no longer the core of the Sphere, the term is still used to refer to the major colonies it left behind. The current force driving the Sphere is the ICSA, whose ruling planetary bodies jostle with eachother for more influence amongst the Sphere itself.

The Colonial Sphere is a sprawling union of planets and settlements, spanning various systems and parts of the galaxy. Connecting these planets are starships and networks of Acceleration Gates, allowing rapid transport across vast and nearly unimaginable distances. This has allowed ships to become a normal mode of transport for the everyday citizen, and a part of everyday life for many people across the Sphere. Indeed, there are plenty who spend more time aboard ships than they do on any planet.

Life in the Sphere is as varied as the planets that make it up. On some of the worlds, places like Morrigan, modern cities exist and technology guides peoples lives. On other worlds, like Ganesh, chaos reigns and violence runs rampant. Most fall in between these two extremes, though exceptions can be found everywhere. Beyond this, there are numerous small settlements on planets and moons across the Sphere, some legitimate and others less so.

The Colonial Sphere is a complex, sprawling landscape where, with drive and ingenuity, one can make their way in virtually any field.





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